What's the scoop on UAV Tree Classification? ⭐️
Self Study 📚
Remote sensing is a rapidly growing field. However, it seems that even the availability of drones, uav's and sensors, has not grown alongside methods used for processing data. One of the biggest questions is how trees could be classified using remotely sensed images. It's a good question to ask, one that I was interested in and one I did a short write up on.
QGIS Road Navigation from Scratch?
This week on Reddit, I stumbled on a post where a user needed help creating navigable roads in qGIS from scratch. I found this post very interesting and very informative when another user posted this tutorial. I'll be going over it soon on YouTube, but wanted to give you a jump start on the reading:
on the playlist🔮
Plug and play, it's that easy. Love the seasonal Chillhop playlists and Summer 2022 is right on the money.
off topic 🪴
Stream Deck...for work? So this week I got a new piece of hardware called the Stream Deck. If you are unfamiliar with it, Imagine a modified num-pad that's fully customizable with the ability to customize button push events with a bit of software. It's super easy to set up, but I was curious if it could be used for things besides gaming and streaming.
Perhaps work? Definitely a really interesting application for cad work.