EP. 1
what began as an overcast week ended with some great sunshine and it's looking like an even better weekend. As the month winds down, I've been working to meet some goals that I have for Q1 which is about halfway though.
notion ð
Exploring ways to use notion as an evergreen information source (similar to github). I've been learning the ways to share and organize a wiki so that documentation and code snippets can be shared with users and pdf and pages. I am in the process of converting my Google Earth Engine notes I have on my private pages into a public facing notion page.
on the playlist âķïļ
Tempura's Temple has been in my rotation this week. I've been really enjoying some of the alternate sounds the Lofi Fruits has been producing lately.
github ðū
this week I took some time to edit an existing template. The template, so kindly provided by https://html5up.net/, is going into my next youtube video where I'll be covering Mapbox implementation on a website. The github repo on has been extremely helpful https://github.com/mapbox
reading ð
the past few weeks I've really been enjoying Business Made Simple by Donald Miller (the same author of Blue Like Jazz and Scary Close). His book has really opened my eyes to some simple and effective branding and marketing practices.
off topic ðŠī
I've really been enjoying two things this week:
Kombucha (specifically Health Ade). The non-sweet flavors, like lemon-ginger and cayenne have been real big hits at my home.
12 Angry Men (1957) - This movie is a classic and for good reason. I have a soft spot for movies that focus on conversation to reveal characters and this movie is a master class in dialogue. Â