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march 2022 notion recap 💫

march 2022 notion recap 💫
Photo by Aperture Vintage / Unsplash

I began using the notion web clipper to much success. This has helped to organize articles and posts, even instagram content so I can view it later in one area. Read more:

Ep 3 🪛 - Too Much SODA?
Work has been a monster this week. Between phone calls, project organization anddocumentation I really can’t believe it’s the week has passed. That being said,I can’t help but being so thankful for the opportunity to have rewarding work.Growing up, I’ve come to the realization that this isn’t

On top of the web clipper I've really enjoyed the database updates to notion. I've always been hesitant to use notion databases because they are so simple. Well not anymore. Although we are far from google sheets or excel, notion databases are their own thing. I often find that limitations keeps the databases simple if that makes sense. Often if I feel like I need formulas, I want to over complicate instead of just listing what I need and making the effort to keep it clean. The limitations and databases across pages makes this so effective.

March 15, 2022 – Notion 2.15, now with better databases
Quick filters, tabbed views & much more. Now your databases are easier to use, easier to customize, and more powerful than ever before.

The API is out of Beta! While I've not even looked into integrations, I am very excited to see what the community does with these additional tools.

March 3, 2022 – Connect your tools with the API 🧰
The API is officially out of beta! We expanded the API’s capabilities to make it even easier to build with Notion — learn more at developers.notion.com.