2 min read

ep 8 - free resources for remote sensing data🛰

ep 8  - free resources for remote sensing data🛰
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski / Unsplash

It's remote sensing summer and I am putting together all the best resources for learning and visualizing remotely sensed data.

Google Earth Engine 🌎

With just a few lines of code you can visualize elevation data with Google Earth Engine. Check out the how-to and Github repo

Visualizing Elevation with Google Earth Engine 🧩
Google Earth Engine is a powerful took for working with remote sensing data.

on the playlist 🔮

The lack of sun, overcast skies and little vitamin D has resulted in an uptick of Earl Sweatshirt listening.

Education 📘

Esri's Imagery in Action MOOC has just gone live this week. From the course page this course is for anyone who wants to "learn more—about the many uses of imagery, the many types of imagery, and the rapidly growing integration of imagery with GIS"

I'd previously participated in the DIY Geoapps MOOC and did a short writeup on this course listing some of my likes and dislikes and whether or not I think it's worth the time to spend 6 weeks on a MOOC like this.

I'll be participating in this course and I hope you can join me! Click here to sign up

the geospatial community 🌱

This past week I was able to listen to this really interesting podcast by Daniel over that the MapScaping Podcast on how to Build Your Own SaaS. If you are an  entrepreneur or simply are interested in new ideas in the geospatial world, give this episode a listen.

off topic (hey! listen!)🎍

I get strong navi vibes from this tech. I'm very interested to see where this goes.

Pixy - Your friendly flying camera, powered by Snap | Product Hunt
Pixy is a new camera built on the spectacles technology that allows people to take shots from a Snap compatible drone. Uses cameras and sensors to follow subjects, encircle them, etc.