2 min read

ep 6 - in browser spatial analysis🪴

ep 6 - in browser spatial analysis🪴
Photo by Ashim D’Silva / Unsplash

I made two trips to ikea in one week. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but all I know is that growing up playing with Legos did this to me. Overall, I'd have to sum up the week the same. The past few days have been constructive, but I can't say if they were highly productive. The more I grow, the more I have learned that room to be curious always keeps the creative and problem solving part of my brain active.

YouTube 🎞

Ever wanted to add some custom Mapbox markers to your map? Check out this quick tutorial I made and also get your hands on some Mapbox freebies at the end!

on the playlist 🐯

The etherial vibes, with trance like vocals of Novo Amor have been heavy on the playlist this week.

github 💾

Can you preform spatial analysis with Javascript?🪴
Spatial analysis conjures up thoughts of a desktop application, but what if the same analysis could be done with a javascript library?

I've been asking myself for a while if there's a better way to do spatial analysis in browser. I've used Google Earth Engine for LandSat image processing online, but for basic geospatial tools I've struggled to find a solution.

off topic 🎍

I cannot get enough of this new app I downloaded for plant care called Blossom. From alerts to water, to information on the specific needs of your plants based on their characteristics it's such a great way to keep my plants healthy.