2 min read

I found the Canva for maps🧵 - ep 25

I found the Canva for maps🧵  - ep 25
Photo by Hans Isaacson / Unsplash

Welcome to 2023! Thanks for joining as we dive deeper into some great topics this week. I am really excited to share this week's newsletter with you. Starting off with this great application I found this week called Felt.

Felt is to ArcMap what Canva is to Photoshop

Felt has really blown me away. What I thought was simply a collaboration tool for maps has really taken me by surprise with it's easy to use tools and data upload. I am having flashbacks to when I discovered Canva, but now it's got maps!

Felt - It’s Canva with maps 🎨
Not everyone needs the horsepower or features behind the flagship geospatial applications, not to mention the price tag.Felt is to ArcMap what Canva is to Photoshop.

dev 💾

Custom Mapbox gl Legends with Layers

I came across a Tweet a while back with a question dealing with the possible ways to create custom layers with Mapbox GL. While there are many ways to do this,  there is often an elegant solution. This conversation led to this great example posted on CodePen by Chris Whong. If you are looking for a similar solution, be sure to check this out.

YouTube 🎬

The roundabout is one of those urban planning inside jokes. They are the gateway to re-thinking traffic, walkability, and how we design the places we live. I took some time in this week's podcast going over what I think the secret legacy of the  roundabout is and where I think you'll find them..if you know where to look.

off topic📼

I really enjoy my Youtube suggestions. Given my love for history, tech, and how things work, I'm not suprised this video about 1950's switch boards came up. If you are like me and take modern tech for granted, take a moment to watch this video and watch Mary's excellent demonstration.