1 min read

👾 Creating 3d Visualizations in Mapbox Studio - ep 22

👾 Creating 3d Visualizations in Mapbox Studio - ep 22
Photo by Milad Fakurian / Unsplash

3d web maps using Mapbox Studio

Thinking about creating 3d web maps? This is what I learned trying to create one this week. I was surprised at how much Mapbox support there is for 3d visualizations but your data has to be ready for it.

Creating a 3d Hexmap in Mapbox Studio 🔧
Why a hex map? Aside from providing a more inviting visualization, a hex map has many statistical advantages. Primarily, when it comes to patterns, hexagons are able to interact with more cells helping to paint pictures of trends within the data. Additionally, the hexagon more closely resembles a ci…

github 💾

I can say, these repos are amazing and you should definitely take the chance to read up on this twitter thread.

Python Geospatial Analysis for Beginners 🐍

If you are interested in getting started with geospatial analysis using python, this is the video to start with.

on the playlist🔮

New bilmuri just dropped. A wonderful album if you are looking for something besides Taylor Swift this week.