2 min read

can paper maps make a comeback? 🏕 ep 27

can paper maps make a comeback? 🏕 ep 27
Photo by BRADLEY / Unsplash

And with that, January has come and gone. Around 80% of people have given up their new year's resolutions by now but hopefully you are keeping yours (if you are into the whole resolutions thing). With that in mind, one of my resolutions has been staying up to date with news and tools. It can be hard to follow everything going on. Instead of being online all day hitting refresh I've been using a few tools like IFTTT and Page (on iOS) to help filter out the noise.

A map shortage? ⛺️

This week I was listening to one of my favorite business podcasts "The Best One Yet" where they mentioned a rise in demand for paper maps. The story interested me so I went ahead and found the story here.

Forget Google Maps: Why Paper Map Sales Are Booming
Fans say physical maps—though less efficient than digital options—enhance one’s journey. Among devotees: a surprising number of millennials and members of Generation Z.


One of the best new additions to Notion as of late has been the addition of tabs in the desktop app. I can't tell you how many times I've clicked back and fourth between pages before this update. I'm happy I can now streamline my workflow with these tabs and these shortcuts too:

  • Command/Control + Click now opens a tab in a new tab rather than a new Window
  • Command/Control + Shift + N opens a new window
  • Command/Control + Number now switches workspaces

Google Earth Engine scripts on the fly with ChatGPT 🧩

Got inspired by a tweet this week that was using ChatGPT to make maps, I wanted to see what simple tasks might be helped by this new and rising tool.

3 Geospatial Uses for ChatGPT (GPT3) 🧩
ChatGPT is being used in many ways. Right now it can feel like the wild west, but I wanted to give you a few ideas as to how you can use ChatGPT today for some of your everyday geospatial processes.

on the playlist🔮

As I write this post, I keep looking at my phone. There's snow in the forecast so this playlist is definitely fitting.