2 min read

🌴 Building a React.js Mapbox app fully online - Newsletter

🌴 Building a React.js Mapbox app fully online - Newsletter
Photo by Alex Lvrs / Unsplash

It's been a minute! I hope your year is going well, and if you are in the states, I hope you are getting your taxes done. April feels like the last of the paper work months before summer starts. After that, it's Baseball,  camping, long nights, friends, music, and adventures so kick it in gear if you haven't.

dev 🎏

👨🏻‍🔬 how to create a React.js Mapbox Project in Glitch

One of the most challenging aspects I've found when working with React.js is the environment setup. I wanted to create a React.js Mapbox project in Glitch and here's how I did it.

👨🏻‍🔬 how to create a React.js Mapbox Project in Glitch
One of the most challenging aspects I’ve found when working with React.js is the environment setup. I wanted to create a React.js Mapbox project in Glitch and here’s how I did it.

notion 🗒

Buttons to automate manual tasks! It's here and it's a very useful feature. Adding buttons to my current pages as we speak. More app intigrations and more icons. This year, notion has been adding so many wonderful and useful features that I keep finding new ways to improve my pages and workflows.

What’s New – Notion
Product improvements, updates, and fixes.

on the playlist🔮

Springtime means more new music and long nights on the patio with a book. This has been my sound track for the spring nights.